MLS Japanese police reserve line up in front of embassy (SV); cars pass in front.MCU MacArthur's plane (C-121) taxiing up to platform.MCU Nose of plane with name "Bataan."MLS Many spectators at airfield.MS Seaman guard line up in front of operations tower, Haneda Air Base.SV Spectators.MS Motorcycle escort passing by.MLS 21 gun salute being fired for MacArthur.MS Man with flag with 5 stars walking among the crowd.MCU MacArthur walking down street waving to people.MUA MacArthur entering plane & waving to people.MUA MacArthur & wife standing near edge of ramp of plane.MS PAN ADM arriving to see MacArthur off; Color Guard & Marines standing at attention.MLS Street lined with Japanese reserve police as cars approach. MS MacArthur & Officers saluting colors; MacArthur's colors in BG; guns in far BG, firing salute.MLS MacArthur (wearing spectacles) reads orders.MLS MacArthur shakes some spectator's hands.MLS Many people in FG, as MacArthur's plane taxies away.LS MP in FG; long line of cars in BC.MS MacArthur's plane taxiing along runway past camera platform (3/4 view).MCU MacArthur with Officers walking past crowds.MCU MacArthur walking along & waving.MLS Civilians waving.MUA MacArthur going aboard plane turning & waving to crowd.MCU Japanese band marching towards camera singing (very dark).MS Group of Sailors, Soldiers, & Marines with rifles marching toward camera.MCU Entrance to airfield; two MP's stand in FG.MS Japanese Boy Scouts with flags.MS MacArthur's car passing by honor guard.MS Japanese reserve police saluting as MacArthur passes by in car.SV Spectators.CU Woman standing on post & cryingLS Color Guard in FG; MacArthur's plane in far BG, taxiing away.CU Color Guard.